List of CPU Coins

The CPU Coin List is a sortable list of Alternate Cryptocurrencies (Altcoins) that can be mined on your CPU. The coins with GPU miners have the GPU Advantage calculated to determine the hash speed advantage of the GPU miner.

Coins are listed in alphabetical order.

GPU Advantage
Aeon AEON CryptoNight Poloniex, Swaphole 1 5
Boolberry BBR Wild Keccack Poloniex, Bittrex Unknown 5
Bytecoin BCN CryptoNight Poloniex, HitBTC 1 5
Darkcoin DRK X11 MintPal, Poloniex, Bter 9.2 0
Ducknote XDN CryptoNight Poloniex, Bittrex 1 5
Fantomcoin FCN CryptoNight Poloniex, Bittrex 1 5
Givecoin GIVE X11 Bittrex 9.2 2
Global Denomination GDN X11 Poloniex, Bittrex, AllCrypt 9.2 1
GroestlCoin GRS Groestl Poloniex, MintPal 5.3 1
Hirocoin HIRO X11 MintPal, Poloniex, Bittrex 9.2 0
JackpotCoin JPC JHA Bittrex, MintPal, Poloniex Unknown 1
Logicoin LGC X11 Poloniex 9.2 0
MemoryCoin MMC Momentum with SHA-512 Bter, Poloniex Unknown 2
Monero XMR CryptoNight Poloniex, Bittrex, MintPal 1 5
Moneta Verde MCN CryptoNight Poloniex CPU Only 5
New Universal Dollar NUD Bcrypt Bittrex CPU Only 5
QuazarCoin QCN CryptoNight Poloniex, Bittrex, Swaphole 1 5
Riecoin RIC Prime Constellations Poloniex, MintPal, BTC38 CPU Only 0
Slimcoin SLM Dcrypt Bter CPU Only 0
YACoin YAC Scrypt-YAC Cryptsy Unknown 0

The following conditions must be met in order for coins to be added and remain on list:

  • The coin must be added to a major exchange within 60 days of release.
  • The developer team must remain active. Active means immediately patching any errors.
  • The GPU Advantage is less than 10.

0. No issues
1. Premine (2% or less)
2. Premine (more than 2%)
3. IPO (Initial Public Offering – Premine is sold for BTC)
4. Source code is not available.
5. Other, see coin page.

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