NoirShares (NRS)

NoirShares was removed on 2014/06/30 due to the end of mining. The announce thread states “Mining temporarily suspended while we re-introduce a new reward system.” I have asked for more info in announce thread.

How To CPU Mine NoirShares on Block Quarry Pool

Technical Information
Release Date: 2014/02/14
Algorithm: Momentum PoW with PoS
Total supply: 5,000,000
Premine: 5%
Block Time: 5 minutes
Block Reward: 80 with 5% reduction every 3000 blocks
Difficulty Retarget: Every block

More Information
Announcement Thread
Old Announcement Thread
Block Explorer

GPU Advantage Calcs
AMD FX-8320 using yvg1900′s yam-yvg1900-M7r-win64-bdver1 = 345 c/m
R9 280x (average from here) = 3350 c/m
GPU Advantage = 9.7